10 questions to new member Ubiqisense
1. What is Ubiqisense?
UbiqiSense is a Danish tech company whose ambition is to disrupt the building sector with a new, vision-based occupancy sensor that detects, counts and tracks people and objects. By providing reliable and actionable insights on behavioral patterns and space utilization, we enable our users to create “ad hoc” spaces, facilitating people’s interaction and fostering collaboration. Our sensor solution entered the market in 2018, and thanks to its breakthrough technology and elegant, discreet design, it is being adopted in a growing number of meeting rooms and office environments around the world.
2. What problem does your product or service solve?
At Ubiquisense we want to help people in managing, in the best way possible, the challenging relationship that is the interaction between people and space. Therefore, by providing reliable and actionable insights on behavioral patterns and space utilization, our users are enabled to take informed decisions and to tailor their environment according to their needs.
3. Where did the idea originate?
In 2016, we came to the realization that camera parts had become cheaper and cheaper, thanks to the fast evolution of smartphones. This fact, combined with IoT and the Smart Buildings industry getting an increasing amount of traction, lead us to pool together our expertise and start developing our smart sensor solution.
4. Which technology do you use and what is your business model?
One of our many strengths lies in the technology that we deploy. On the hardware side, we make great use of both computer vision and edge computing technology. At the other end of our solution, on the software side, we developed a powerful algorithm that enables a seamless and accurate data collection and analysis, as well as integrating and visualising this data in our cloud analytics tools. Our technologically advanced sensors are able to collect and process data right on the spot, allowing us to increase responsiveness whilst preserving complete anonymity in the data we collect. Even though they have an optical sensor, our technology allows us to collect the relevant data, without transmitting or storing any actual image.
5. Who is your ideal customer? And with which companies would you like to partner or form a business relationship?
Our ideal customers are any company with office and meeting room facilities, public and educational institutions. By deploying our solution across their spaces, they can greatly benefit from the kind of detailed insights we provide.
We already have several partnerships among AV- and FM companies, hardware distributors and occupancy analysis on top of our end users, and see a great potential in further developing this vertical.
6. What was the most difficult phase so far and what did you learn from it?
As an emerging start up, we had to face many challenges, very diverse across the different departments, but the one we struggled with the most, must have been putting our rich data to good use. The way data is managed and leveraged, is crucial for a data-company’s success. Just like most of the other companies that fall into this category, we found this phase to be particularly challenging. Deciding on how data were collected and on how it should be visualized, has been a task that has required a lot of trials and errors, to finally land on what we think is the perfect solution. To streamline the production of actionable insights, we also had to employ many resources, both internally and externally. It is very important for our users to be provided with some little nudges on how the data they are collecting can be leveraged in real life.
7. What is the next important step?
The next step for Ubiqisense is to continually scale up, and gain even more ground in the Smart Building scene, by both securing important customers and establishing synergetic partnerships. On top of these goals, in the backstage we are constantly working to improve our whole solution and offer our users the best possible solution.
8. Who or what do you need?
The way we want to achieve our next step, and the ones coming after that, is to focus on our brand awareness and increase the number of people we reach with our solution. To do so, on top of the many marketing activities we are conducting, we want to leverage our organic reach. The Global PropTech network is a perfect example of this. Furthermore, we are working hard to establish new partnerships with other leading players in the market, from whom we can greatly benefit from the added exposure and shared knowledge.
9. What achievement are you most proud of? (Think of: project, collaboration, award)
One of our greatest achievements, that is also a perfect example of our company culture, is how we quickly adapted to the ongoing Corona-situation. We were able to promptly adapt our solution to satisfy societies’ new needs, e.g. to social distance and to keep everyone safe. Our team also did a fantastic job at riding the PR wave in the best possible way, getting Ubiqisense featured in the national television news as well as in the leading danish newspaper, resulting in a considerable amount of exposure and traction among the Danish ecosystem.
10. What is the reason you joined Global PropTech?
When we started getting to know Global PropTech, we have been impressed by how good of a fit we are to join the organization. By participating in a few of their events we ascertained how professionally they pursue their goal of connecting professionals with PropTech in the real estate industry. Therefore it was a no-brainer for us to decide to join Global Protech, to indeed have a competent ally on our side, to better pursue our mission to disrupt the real estate industry.
Check the video underneath for more information or go to www.ubiqisense.com!
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